The Energy Consultant NJ

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"Feeling Burned by Rising Energy Costs?" "You're not alone."

Easy 3-Step Process

Deregulation and energy procurement can be difficult and confusing. Let the MIS Method do the heavy lifting for you. Here are the simple steps to your No Obligation energy analysis.

              1. Fill out the business information on the site.
              2. Upload your energy bill into the secure portal.
              3. Choose the price and terms from 4-5 energy suppliers.

An account executive will contact you for additional information if needed.
They provide you with a cost-saving plan to reduce energy costs.

Summer is here don't get hit by increasing electricity costs!

Announcing the MIS Method for Energy Procurement!

"How to Slash Your Electric Bills Using the MIS Method"

Services Provided

Indepth Analysis

We begin by assessing your current energy consumption and expenditures to gain a thorough understanding of your needs.

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Strategic Sourcing

Our experts will then navigate the market, leveraging our contacts and tools to source energy options that provide maximum value.

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Ongoing Support

Even after you've switched to a better energy solution, we're here to offer continued monitoring and support, ensuring you're always getting the best deal.

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Tailored Solutions

No two businesses are the same, which is why we offer personalized energy procurement strategies designed to align with your specific needs.

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Cost Savings

Our market-savvy consultants use the latest tools and insights to identify cost-saving opportunities, helping reduce your bottom line.

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Sustainable Growth

By optimizing your energy procurement, we'll support your business's growth and sustainability goals, securing your success in the long run.

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Fill Out Business Registration


Upload Electricity Bill


Choose A Supplier

business registration
supplier pricing

What is Energy Deregulation?

Energy deregulation has been a major change for the industry in recent decades.

The concept behind deregulation in general is to promote competition by allowing multiple companies into an industry to provide services or products that were previously monopolized by high-priced utility companies.

Before deregulation, this type of monopoly made it difficult for businesses and consumers to find a provider that met their specific needs or preferences.

Energy market deregulation was the process of eliminating government controls over energy supply, distribution, and pricing.

Before deregulation, state-controlled utility monopolies controlled all aspects of energy production and distribution within their regional boundaries.

fixed pricing meters

“Hey there, New Jersey business owners!

My name is Mike O’Reilly I’m “The Energy Consultant NJ”

Allow me a few minutes to show you the Market Intelligence Solutions  (MIS) method to reduce your electricity bills.

Like you, I receive a utility bill every month. “Seriously though, high electricity costs can be downright frightening. That’s why you and your business deserve a break — a break from overpaying, from budget-busting bills, and from the confusing jolt of the energy market.”

Let me guess, you’re feeling the sting every time that energy bill hits your desk. It’s not getting any easier, right? Guess what? That’s because you’re caught in the maze of an ever-changing energy market that’s not designed for clarity. And that’s WHY you’re overpaying.

But wait, what if I told you there’s a way out? What if you could lock in prices that make your accountant give you a high five instead of a nervous twitch? Think steady bills, predictable budgeting, and more money to fuel your business growth, not the electric company’s pockets.

Now, HOW do we make this dream a reality? With our secret weapon—the MIS Method. It’s not just about cutting costs; it’s about smart energy procurement that puts you back in power. By analyzing your specific energy usage, benchmarking it against the market, and crafting a buying strategy that evolves with your needs, we ensure you’re not just saving now, but you’re set up for savings long-term.

Countless NJ businesses are overpaying for electricity. But it doesn’t have to be this way. The problem is complex regulations and market confusion. We’ve got the key to unlocking your savings.”

“Imagine freeing up cash flow and investing back into your business. With ‘The Energy Consultant NJ’, we make it happen. Our proven MIS Method identifies savings you never knew were possible.”

“Our Market Intelligence Solutions (MIS) Method is a step-by-step system that pinpoints precisely where you can save on energy costs. We analyze, we advise, you save—it’s that simple.”

Why are Volitile Energy Prices Stripped Out of Inflation Reports?

If the FED didn't strip out the 2 factors that constantly drive inflation the charts would be a straight up line.
(The other is food)

"And That's Why Business Owners Get Screwed"

Summer is, of course, already the most expensive time of the year for power bills in most of the country, particularly as climate change sends temperatures higher.

The amount of the increase will vary from region to region, but some business owners could be facing bills that are as much as 45% higher.

Energy inflation calmed down a bit last month, but you still can't avoid rising energy costs with the pace continuing at 1.1% Year over year energy prices have increased at a clip of 2.1% with a 0.7% increase in electricity.

Pennsylvania regulators issued warnings that customers will see increases of 6% to 45%. The utility which serves New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and Connecticut, said at the start of the year that customers could see between 23% and 25%.

"Remember, knowledge is power — and in this case, quite literally. By requesting our No Obligation Energy Analysis, you're on your way to powering your business for less. Much less. Like, 'Is my calculator broken?' less."

"Grab your latest electric bill — yes, even if it's scarier than watching your favorite horror movie alone, in the dark, during a thunderstorm. Don't worry; this is a no-jump-scare zone."

"We just need a little info and that bill of yours to analyze. Fill out your business information, and upload that bill right here on our magically secure portal."

And guess what? It all starts with your free No Obligation Energy Analysis — and by the way, hands-off for you because we handle the heavy lifting — and you're prepped for a future where 'electric shock' is just a funny story, not a budget meeting agenda item.


First a Quick Explaination That Often Causes Confusion...

Explaining The Difference Between Supply & Delivery

Supply Explained

Deregulation has led to energy choice. In deregulated states, the utility is not the only game in town. Options and choices for choosing your energy supplier provide savings on energy such as electricity, and natural gas.

The supply is the electricity generated by a service provider at reduced costs. This is the price or rate you pay for kilowatt/per hour or for natural gas measured in therms.

Delivery Explained

Delivery of your electricity or natural gas supply is the process of distribution. This is where the public utility makes bank. Just picture transformers, wires, towers, and service lines to buildings. And finally the meters.

This is the cost of delivering your energy to your business. Supply and delivery are listed as seperate line items on your bill. This often has clients saying "Hey your double billing me!"

“If you need to think about it..."

"you still haven’t trusted your gut and joined the thousands of business owners enjoying energy savings in deregulated markets already…”

mis Method
electricity towers
  • Tired of getting ripped off by utility companies?
  • Looking at your monthly bill and shaking your head!
  • Ready to take control of your energy costs?



At 'The Energy Consultant NJ', we're fanning the flames of change for businesses across the grid

— and by the way, forging ahead in uncharted territories of savings

— and you've got a front-row seat to experiencing financial freedom with an MIS Method personalized energy strategy.

Some High Profile Clients

Frequently Asked Questions

What exactly is energy deregulation?

Energy deregulation means you get to pick who supplies your energy instead of being stuck with just one company. This can lead to better rates, improved customer service, and more innovative energy choices because companies are competing for your business.

Will deregulation save me money on my energy bill?

It sure can! When energy suppliers compete for your business, they often offer lower rates and special deals. This means you could see some nice savings on your energy bill.

Will my energy service be interrupted if I switch suppliers?

Nope, not at all! Your service stays uninterrupted. The only thing that changes is who supplies your energy. Your local utility will still take care of delivering the energy and handling maintenance - by the way, you still get consolidated billing.

Are there any costs if I decide to switch my energy provider?

In many cases, switching is free. But, it's a good idea to check if your current supplier has any early termination fees or if there are any setup fees with the new supplier.

How do I pick the best energy supplier for me?

Start by comparing rates, contract terms, and customer reviews. Look out for any special promotions, and if green energy is important to you, consider suppliers who offer renewable options.

What benefits can I expect from energy deregulation?

With energy deregulation, you often see lower rates, better customer service, and more choices. It also encourages innovation, so you might find more options for renewable energy and other cool energy solutions.

Will my local utility company still be involved if I switch suppliers?

Yes, your local utility company will still handle getting the energy to your business (delivery) and maintaining the infrastructure, like power lines and meters. The only difference is the supplier providing the energy.

Is energy deregulation available where I live?

Energy deregulation is available in many places but not everywhere. You can check with your state's public utilities commission or use our deregulated map lookup to see if you can choose your energy supplier.

Glossary of Terms

You Can't Save on Energy Costs Without Understanding the Lingo

Energy Deregulation: Deregulation basically means you have the power to choose your energy supplier instead of being stuck with just one utility company. This competition can lead to better rates and more options.

Utility Company: This is the local company that delivers energy to your home and takes care of the infrastructure, like power lines and meters.

Energy Supplier: These are the companies that you can choose to buy your energy from. They compete for your business, often offering competitive prices and special deals.

Rate Plan: Think of this as the pricing structure for your energy. Different suppliers offer different rate plans, which can be fixed, variable, or indexed.

Fixed Rate: A fixed rate means you pay the same price for energy every month, no matter what happens in the market. It’s really stable and predictable.

Variable Rate: With a variable rate, the price you pay can change month to month based on market conditions. It might go up or down, so it’s a bit more unpredictable. Very risky option.

Indexed Rate: An indexed rate is tied to a specific benchmark, like the price of natural gas. Your rate will fluctuate based on this index. Very risky option.

Early Termination Fee: This is a fee some suppliers charge if you end your contract before it’s officially over. It’s a good idea to check for this before making any switches.

Renewable Energy: Energy sourced from renewable resources like wind, solar, or hydro. Many suppliers offer green energy options if sustainability is important to you.

Kilowatt-Hour (kWh): This is the unit of measurement by price per kilowatt that shows how much electricity you’ve used. You’ll see it a lot on your energy bills.

Megawatt: 1000000 kilowatts

Contract Term: This is the length of time you agree to buy energy from a supplier, usually ranging from a few months to a few years. By the way - you're under a contract with the utility and probably don't even realize it.

Customer Service: The support you get from your energy supplier for billing, service issues, and questions. Good customer service can make a big difference!

Smart Meter: A smart meter is an advanced type of meter that measures how much energy you use and sends the information directly to your utility, often leading to more accurate billing.

Switching Process: This is the process you go through to change from one energy supplier to another. It’s usually pretty simple and your energy supply won’t be interrupted.

Introductory Rate: A special lower rate offered by suppliers to attract new customers. Be sure to check how long this rate lasts and what the rate will be afterward.

Bill of Rights (Energy Consumer): These are protections and rights you have as a consumer in a deregulated energy market, ensuring you get fair treatment and clear information.

Green Energy Credits: These credits represent energy produced from renewable sources. By purchasing them, you support green energy and might even lower your carbon footprint.

Demand Charge: This is an extra fee that some suppliers add based on the highest amount of energy you use at any single point in time.

Supply Capacity: This is basically the maximum amount of electricity that your  business can use at any one time. Think of it as the total power available to you, or the highest amount you’d use if you turned on all your electrical equipment at once.


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